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ROS wrapper of mvBlueFOX3 camera driver.
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Set of scripts to easily generate driver and algorithm packages in ROS, and also a set of scripts to add publishers, subscribers, service clients an servers and action clients and servers to an exiting package.
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ROS wrapper of the low-level LidarLite C++ library.
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Navigation module for the Ana robot as well as the associated client example.
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Joan Solà Ortega / practica-slam-iri-eurecat
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseGraph-SLAM pel master de robotica
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ROS Wrapper for the BNO055 IMU driver.
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ROS node to filter AR tag detections
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Ros node that publishes a robot pose when detecting the ADC unique localization sign.
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ROS wrapper over model_car egomotion C++ driver
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ROS wrapper over model_car ultrasounds C++ driver
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ROS wrapper to control the car lights in the ADC competition.
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ROS wrapper over model_car battery C++ driver
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Inter-frame moving average filter in order to average several pointcloud frames.
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Simple ROS node to convert a Twist message to the speed and steering messages needed by the model car.
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Subscribes to an image and publishes the inverted-color image.
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ROS wrapper over model_car actuator C++ driver