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Tool to download firmware to robotis devices, including dynamixel servos and the cm510 and cm730 controllers. Tool to download the motion files (in either .bin or .mtn format) to the cm510 controller.
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Firmware for the Bioloid expansion board based on AVR processors.
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Firmware for the CM510 controller of the Bioloid robot
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"Trick or treat" based on the performance and emotion of the user.
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Firmware for the BeagleBone Black cape to control the Bioloid robot.
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The official Heroku buildpack for Python apps.
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C++ driver for the Tibi and Dabo head. It includes the control of the pan, tilt and roll motors and the facial expressions.
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Firmware to read battery information through SMBUS
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Firmware for the IR sensor board for the feet of both the Bioloid and Darwin robots
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Firmware for the smart battery charger hardware.
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Adaptive Social Planner using a Side-by-side to accompany an Individual Person (ASPSI)
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Firmware for the CM730 controller board of the Darwin OP robot.
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Project forked from the original repository to solve some problems with the Delock camera in the ADC model car robot.
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Hardware abstraction layer for the STM32 processor families F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, L0 and L1.
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Set of libraries for the STM32 processor. It includes basic timing and buffer libraries, a communication abstraction library and a dynamixel protocol implementation library.