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mobile_robotics / wolf_projects / wolf_ros / wolf_ros_vision
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Iván del Pino / iri_ground_segmentation
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Set of communication libraries, including simple RS232, CAN, sockets (both in server and client modes) and others.
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IRI C++ driver for a pan&tilt platform made with Dynamixel servos
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Simple module to access the non-sensor topics and services of the Pioneer3 robot through a simple API.
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ROS package to compute the robot odometry from the encoder information.
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C++ driver for the Tibi and Dabo head. It includes the control of the pan, tilt and roll motors and the facial expressions.
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C++ driver for firewire based digital cameras.
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C++ driver to monitor the paylaod battery for the Tibi, Dabo and Teo platforms.
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Simple ROS node to fill the header of the markers topic of the ar_track_alvar node.
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ROS wrapper of firewire_camera driver, for the Bumblebee2 stereo firewire camera
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Simple ROS node to convert a Twist message to the speed and steering messages needed by the model car.
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Subscribes to an image and publishes the inverted-color image.
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labrobotica / algorithms / vision_utils
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyComputer vision utilities
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ROS wrapper over model_car actuator C++ driver