Explore projects
Tool to generate the motion_pages file for both the Darwin and Bioloid STM32 firmwares.
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Driver for the GPIO using the sysfs interface for the BeagleBone Black.
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Tool to handle both Robotis .mtn motion files and binary motion files using a common data structure.
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Tool to download firmware to STM32 processors using the built-in bootloader.
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C++ Driver for the Bioloid robot and the STM32 base BeagleBone Black cape.
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Tool to download firmware to robotis devices, including dynamixel servos and the cm510 and cm730 controllers. Tool to download the motion files (in either .bin or .mtn format) to the cm510 controller.
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Haptic guides as user interface for telemanipulation systems.
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ROS Wrapper for Real-Time Multi-Person Pose Estimation with a Single Camera: Project developed during summer internship at IRI (Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica industrial) in Perception and Manipulation Lab (http://www.iri.upc.edu/research/perception).
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Determining the difficulty level of tic-tac-toe and physical exercise.
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"Trick or treat" based on the performance and emotion of the user.