Explore projects
Firmware for the BeagleBone Black cape to control the Bioloid robot.
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Evili del Rio i Silvan / birding
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyBirding Django App
Archived 0Updated -
Low level driver for the BNO055 IMU unit from Bosch
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mobile_robotics / wolf_projects / wolf_lib / plugins / bodydynamics
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Firmware for the CM510 controller of the Bioloid robot
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Repository for keeping installation instructions and the required configuration files
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Set of communication libraries, including simple RS232, CAN, sockets (both in server and client modes) and others.
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Pep Martí Saumell / Crocoddyl
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
C++ Application to localize and navigate the Darwin robot using QR codes.
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Simple ROS node that publishes the robot position in the Gazebo reference frame
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ROS metapackage for packages specific to the Darwin robot.
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C++ driver for the Darwin robot with a custom firmware for the CM730 controller.
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Firmware for the CM730 controller board of the Darwin OP robot.