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Tool to download firmware to robotis devices, including dynamixel servos and the cm510 and cm730 controllers. Tool to download the motion files (in either .bin or .mtn format) to the cm510 controller.
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humanoides / robotis_mtn
OtherTool to handle both Robotis .mtn motion files and binary motion files using a common data structure.
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Specific messages for the MVN Suit from xsens
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Joan Solà Ortega / practica-slam-iri-eurecat
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseGraph-SLAM pel master de robotica
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Launch and config files to launch navigation related nodes for Helena robot
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ROS Wrapper for the BNO055 IMU driver.
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Set of launch and configuration files to run and configure the iri_dynamixel_pan_tilt driver.
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C++ drvier for the AsteRX1 GPS receiver from Septentrio.
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ROS node to filter AR tag detections
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General information, resources and instructions for the ADC workshop
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Main documentation repo for the model car simulation.
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ROS package with URDF and mesh files for the RP-LIDAR laser sensors.
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ROS package with URDF and mesh files for HC-SR04 sonar sensors