Explore projects
mobile_robotics / wolf_projects / wolf_lib / plugins / apriltag
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
ROS package with launch and configuration files for the arm robot.
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ROS package with the URDF and mesh files for the arm robot.
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ROS package with the launch and configuration files for the simulated model of the arm.
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C++ drvier for the AsteRX1 GPS receiver from Septentrio.
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Library with useful tools for autonomous navigation of car-like robots.
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C++ driver to monitor the paylaod battery for the Tibi, Dabo and Teo platforms.
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C++ Driver for the Bioloid robot and the STM32 base BeagleBone Black cape.
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Driver for the GPIO using the sysfs interface for the BeagleBone Black.
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ROS metapackage for packages specific to the Bioloid robot.
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LAbrobotica driver for the Bioloid robot using the CM510 controller as a dynamixel slave
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Low level driver for the BNO055 IMU unit from Bosch
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mobile_robotics / wolf_projects / wolf_lib / plugins / bodydynamics
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -