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Small bug while calling removeUpTo in process()

Joan Vallvé Navarro requested to merge feature/processor_tracker_bug_fix into devel

The current implementation does:

PackKeyFramePtr pack = kf_pack_buffer_.selectPack( last_ptr_ , params_tracker_->time_tolerance);
kf_pack_buffer_.removeUpTo( last_ptr_->getTimeStamp() );

Consider a pack newer than last_ptr_ within the params_tracker_->time_tolerance_, in this case the removeUpTo won't remove the selected pack. Then, in a future process(), will treat the same pack as a new KF.

If the time_tolerance is properly defined (equal or lower than the time between captures), it shouldn't be a problem since this pack won't be selected ẁhile processing the next capture within the time tolerance. However, I think it is safer to ensure that we remove all the packs up to the selected one (included) since this KF has already been handled.

Merge request reports
