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labrobotica / algorithms / gnss_utils
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
labrobotica / algorithms / laser_scan_utils
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyC++ Library to process 2D range scanner data.
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Main documentation repo for the model car simulation.
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ROS package with URDF and mesh files for the RP-LIDAR laser sensors.
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ROS package with URDF and mesh files for HC-SR04 sonar sensors
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Dynamixel pan&tilt related messages
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ROS package with URDF and mesh files for InvenSens MPU9250 IMU sensors.
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The RosAria node provides a ROS interface for most Adept MobileRobots, MobileRobots Inc., and ActivMedia mobile robot bases
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C++ library to source both video and audio stream using SRT.
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Package designed to calculate the normal vector of each point from a filtered pointcloud
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Package for detecting holes based on the number of points in each detection area.
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Simple node to implement the visual GPS using visual landmarks.
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Segway RMP200 odometry node
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Specific messages of the Segway RMP platforms
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Set of useful launch files for the ADC project