Calibration drift factor creation in processorMotion
Calibration drift accounts for the slow evolution of intrinsics parameters. A zero difference factor is created so to take into account this slow variation with a covariance associated to the integration of a white gaussian noise.
Right now, the implementation of this general process is spread appart:
- IMU: done directly in the factor -> part of the residual. This prevents the current factor_imu.h to be used with static biases
- DiffDrive: intrinsics drift is not implemented (implicitely static) -> wheels don't move during estimation
- ForceTorquePreintegration: separate bias factor but not created by the processorForceTorquePreint because of peculiarities
A way to solve this issue is to embed the funcitonality directly in ProcessorMotion class: if the sensor has intrinsics of size > 0 and those are dynamic then create a calibration drift factor of the right size.