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"Trick or treat" based on the performance and emotion of the user.
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Determining the difficulty level of tic-tac-toe and physical exercise.
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Set of libraries to be used in any ROS node. At the moment it includes classes to handle timeouts and watchdogs in an easy way.
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mobile_robotics / GAUSS_project / mqtt_bridge
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Global planner for the move_base framework using the opendrive road description to generate global paths.
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IRI algorithm to control a kinematic chain with control_msgs/PointHeadAction
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This toolbox makes use of Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) formulation together with Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) to design Variable Impedance Controllers (VIC) from user demonstrations of a task, considering its preferences regarding compliancy
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ROS node that solves a landmarks based SLAM graph problem with Ceres
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ROS node to detect and manage collisions with a IMU bno055 developed for DOGS2 project
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mobile_robotics / wolf_projects / wolf_ros / wolf_ros_vision
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Project forked from the original repository to solve some problems with the Delock camera in the ADC model car robot.
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ROS node to convert a SRT stream into a ROS Image message.
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Adaptive Social Planner using a Side-by-side to accompany an Individual Person (ASPSI)
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Laser and robot's localization (etc) for the iterative simulation of One person and group accompaniment.
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Laser and robot's localization (etc) for the iterative simulation of akp-local-planner-approaching using ESFM and Splines.