# ROS Lidar Lite driver
# C++ Lidar Lite driver
ROS wrapper to work with [LidarLite](https://gitlab.iri.upc.edu/asantamaria/LidarLite) driver for Garmin Lidar Lite v3.
Driver for Garmin Lidar Lite v3.
### Software dependencies
### Hardware configuration
This library provides quick access to all the basic functions of LIDAR-Lite using an USB-I2C communications module.
##### C++ LidarLite library and dependencies
For detailed specifications, pinout, and connection diagrams, please refer to the following manuals.
- [Lidar Lite V3](http://static.garmin.com/pumac/LIDAR_Lite_v3_Operation_Manual_and_Technical_Specifications.pdf) (I2C connection diagrams)
- [USB-I2C module](http://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/htm/usb_i2c_tech.html)
### Software dependencies
- [iriutils](https://devel.iri.upc.edu/pub/labrobotica/drivers/iriutils/trunk) - IRI C++ library
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- Download the library: `svn co https://devel.iri.upc.edu/pub/labrobotica/drivers/usb_i2c_adapter/trunk usb_i2c_adapter`
- Compile and install: `cd usb_i2c_adapter/build && cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE .. && make && sudo make install`
- [LidarLite](https://gitlab.iri.upc.edu/asantamaria/LidarLite) - IRI C++ library
- Download the library: `git clone https://gitlab.iri.upc.edu/asantamaria/LidarLite.git`
- Compile and install: `cd LidarLite/build && cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE .. && make && sudo make install`
##### ROS dependencies
- [iri_core](https://devel.iri.upc.edu/pub/labrobotica/ros/iri-ros-pkg_hydro/metapackages/iri_core) - IRI ROS metapackage
- Move to workspace: `roscd && cd ../src`
- Download the library: `svn co https://devel.iri.upc.edu/pub/labrobotica/ros/iri-ros-pkg_hydro/metapackages/iri_core`
- Compile: `roscd && cd ../src && catkin_make`
- [sensor_msgs](http://wiki.ros.org/sensor_msgs) - ROS sensor messages
- Install: `sudo apt-get install ros-`\<your ROS version\>`-sensor-msgs`
### Installation
- Move to workspace: `roscd && cd ../src`
- Clone the repository: `git clone https://gitlab.iri.upc.edu/asantamaria/iri_lidar_lite.git`
- Compile: `roscd && cd .. && catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`
- Clone the repository: `git clone https://gitlab.iri.upc.edu/asantamaria/LidarLite.git`
- Install: `cd LidarLite/build && cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE .. && make && sudo make install`
### Example of usage
- Run `roslaunch iri_lidar_lite iri_lidar_lite.launch`.
- Parameters:
- Run `/bin/./lidar_lite_test`.
- Checkout [iri_lidar_lite](https://gitlab.iri.upc.edu/asantamaria/iri_lidar_lite) project to use this library within ROS framework.
### Support material and multimedia
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