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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Sep5Jun3Nov27Oct6Jul18May21Apr1430Mar30Jul926Jun17May16141310Apr5Mar26Feb28Jan17Dec29May18Jun43Added space between dependencies1.0.2 1.0.3 mas…1.0.2 1.0.3 masterUpdated Ubuntu to 20.04Updated to latest version of package generationubuntu_18_04ubuntu_18_04Updated to latest version of packaging generationMerge branch 'ubuntu_18_04' into 'master'Adapted to Ubuntu 18.04 package generation1. .gitlab-ci.yml to multiples Ubuntu distributions' packages generation1.0.0 ubuntu_16…1.0.0 ubuntu_16_04Changed the deprecated auto_ptr to the unique_ptr.Added additional uninstall commands to also remove the installation folder of the library.Update ReadMe.mdChanged the IP address for the server name branch 'install_path'Update .gitlab-ci.ymlUpdate ReadMe.mdUpdate CMakeLists.txtDelete ReadMe.txtUpdate ReadMe.mdUpdated ReadMe.mdRemoved old iridrivers directoriesReplaced apt-get by apt. Removed option --allow-unauthenticated Adapted to the new variable PACKAGE_NAME; Now PROJECT_NAME it's the name with underscores and PACKAGE_NAME with hyphensRemoved CPACK_SET_DIR to install the .deb package on /usrAdded libxerces-c-dev as cpack dependencySolved a bug on the package dependenciesReplaced apt by apt-getReplaced apt for apt-get. Added the installation of libxerces-c-dev explicitlyAdded plural xsd Cmake variablesMerge branch 'install_path' of into install_pathRemoved pluar CMake variables for testing pourpousesAdded - apt-get install -y xsdcxx another timeremoved - apt-get install -y xsdcxx for testing pourposeAdded gitlab continuous integration. Adapted to the .deb package generation when creating a tagAdapted to .deb package generationModified to set and use the trajectory_INCLUDE_DIRS and trajectory_LIBRARIESAdaptod to found .h files on include folderMoved.h files to include folderAdd LICENSEUpdate find cmakeUpdate gitignoreAdd plural _INCLUDE_DIRS _LIBRARIES variables to find cmake. Add gitignore file