This is the official [Heroku buildpack]( for Python apps, powered by [Pipenv](, [pip]( and other excellent software.
This is the official [Heroku buildpack]( for Python apps.
Recommended web frameworks include **Django** and **Flask**. The recommended webserver is **Gunicorn**. There are no restrictions around what software can be used (as long as it's pip-installable). Web processes must bind to `$PORT`, and only the HTTP protocol is permitted for incoming connections.
Recommended web frameworks include **Django** and **Flask**, among others. The recommended webserver is **Gunicorn**. There are no restrictions around what software can be used (as long as it's pip-installable). Web processes must bind to `$PORT`, and only the HTTP protocol is permitted for incoming connections.
Python packages with C dependencies that are not [available on the stack image]( are generally not supported, unless `manylinux` wheels are provided by the package maintainers (common). For recommended solutions, check out [this article]( for more information.
Python packages with C dependencies that are not [available on the stack image]( are generally not supported, unless `manylinux` wheels are provided by the package maintainers (common). For recommended solutions, check out [this article]( for more information.