Libraries specific to the Bioloid robot.
Libraries common to both the Bioloid and the Darwin OP robots.
Libraries specific to the Darwin OP robot.
ROS Nodes for both the Bioloid and Darwin OP robots.
Set of useful tools for the development of the Bioloid and Darwin OP robots.
All repositories associated with the collaboration with TV3.
Computer driver to access the smart charger board.
C++ Driver for the Bioloid robot and the STM32 base BeagleBone Black cape.
Driver for the GPIO using the sysfs interface for the BeagleBone Black.
Computer driver for the Bioloid expansion board.
Firmware for the Bioloid expansion board based on AVR processors.
ROS metapackage for packages specific to the Bioloid robot.
LAbrobotica driver for the Bioloid robot using the CM510 controller as a dynamixel slave
Firmware for the BeagleBone Black cape to control the Bioloid robot.
Firmware for the CM510 controller of the Bioloid robot
C++ Application to localize and navigate the Darwin robot using QR codes.
ROS metapackage for packages specific to the Darwin robot.
ROS metapackage for common packages for the Bioloid and Darwin robots.
Computer driver for the IR sensor board.
C++ driver for the Leopard imaging camera with global shutter.