// Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial, CSIC-UPC.
// Author 
// All rights reserved.
// This file is part of iri-ros-pkg
// iri-ros-pkg is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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// IMPORTANT NOTE: This code has been generated through a script from the 
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#ifndef _ana_odom_alg_h_
#define _ana_odom_alg_h_

#include <iri_ana_odom/AnaOdomConfig.h>

//include ana_odom_alg main library

 * \brief IRI ROS Specific Driver Class
class AnaOdomAlgorithm
    * \brief define config type
    * Define a Config type with the AnaOdomConfig. All driver implementations
    * will then use the same variable type Config.
    pthread_mutex_t access_;    

    // private attributes and methods

    * \brief define config type
    * Define a Config type with the AnaOdomConfig. All driver implementations
    * will then use the same variable type Config.
    typedef iri_ana_odom::AnaOdomConfig Config;

    * \brief config variable
    * This variable has all the driver parameters defined in the cfg config file.
    * Is updated everytime function config_update() is called.
    Config config_;

    * \brief constructor
    * In this constructor parameters related to the specific driver can be
    * initalized. Those parameters can be also set in the openDriver() function.
    * Attributes from the main node driver class IriBaseDriver such as loop_rate,
    * may be also overload here.

    * \brief Lock Algorithm
    * Locks access to the Algorithm class
    void lock(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&this->access_); };

    * \brief Unlock Algorithm
    * Unlocks access to the Algorithm class
    void unlock(void) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->access_); };

    * \brief Tries Access to Algorithm
    * Tries access to Algorithm
    * \return true if the lock was adquired, false otherwise
    bool try_enter(void) 
        return true;
        return false;

    * \brief config update
    * In this function the driver parameters must be updated with the input
    * config variable. Then the new configuration state will be stored in the 
    * Config attribute.
    * \param new_cfg the new driver configuration state
    * \param level level in which the update is taken place
    void config_update(Config& config, uint32_t level=0);

    // here define all ana_odom_alg interface methods to retrieve and set
    // the driver parameters

    * \brief Destructor
    * This destructor is called when the object is about to be destroyed.
