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ROS package with sensor specific plug-in configurations and simulation files for the camera plug-in (for wideangle and normal)
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ROS package with sensor specific plug-in configurations and simulation files for the Realsense depth camera plugin from Intel
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ROS package with sensor specific plug-in configurations and simulation files for the standard ROS depth camera plugin.
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ROS package with URDF files for realsense depth cameras from Intel.
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mobile_robotics / ADC / libraries / OpenRoadEd
wxWindows Library LicenseFork from the original Open Road editor https://ghttps://github.com/fhwedel-hoe/OpenRoadEd
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Set of simple launch files for the Helena robot
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Set of launch files to run and configure the Helena robot.
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Launch and config files to launch navigation related nodes for Helena robot
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Set of launch files to run and configure the Bosch BNO055 IMU driver.
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ROS node to detect positive and negative obstacles using multi-beam LIDAR data.
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Human detection model that runs on ROS
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Set of launch files to run and configure the Realsense depth cameras from Intel.
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Set of configuration and launch files to use the ROS navigation stack with the Ana robot.
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Set of simple launch files for the Ana robot
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Set of launch files to run and configure the robot in simulation
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ROS package with URDF and mesh files for the Pioneer3 platform.
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Documentation on how to set up and use the Ana robot
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ROS package with sensor specific plug-in configurations and simulation files for the Velodyne lidar plug-in of the velodyne_gazebo_plugins package.