Explore projects
Library with useful tools for autonomous navigation of car-like robots.
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Filters Twist messages using LaserScan message information, not allowing to run into obstacles.
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Generic ROS navigation related launch and configuration files
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Global planner for the move_base framework using the opendrive road description to generate global paths.
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labrobotica / ros / navigation / iri_nav_module
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterGeneric navigation, costmap and planner modules to be used as a base for robot specific navigation modules.
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Simple local planner for an ackermann platform architecture.
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Iván del Pino / kf_based_terrain_analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Launch and configuration files for several teleoperation packages
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A library to adapt the behaviortree library to the modules structure
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Base class to be used for any ROS node implementing an algorithm.
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Base class to be used for any ROS node implementing an algorithm.
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Class to simplify and unify the use of the simple action server from ROS
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Set of scripts to easily generate driver and algorithm packages in ROS, and also a set of scripts to add publishers, subscribers, service clients an servers and action clients and servers to an exiting package.
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Simple node to detect blobs in images using the HSV color space
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Set of launch files to run and configure the UVC compatible cameras.
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ROS package with sensor specific plug-in configurations and simulation files for the camera plug-in (for wideangle and normal)