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ROS package to compute the robot odometry from the encoder information.
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Segway RMP200 odometry node
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Segway RMP200 driver ROS Wrapper
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Simple module to access the non-sensor topics and services of the Pioneer3 robot through a simple API.
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ROS Wrapper for the BNO055 IMU driver.
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Evili del Rio i Silvan / heketi
Apache License 2.0RESTful based volume management framework for GlusterFS
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Set of libraries to be used in any ROS node. At the moment it includes classes to handle timeouts and watchdogs in an easy way.
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Simple ROS node to detect regular and parking semaphores
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Simple ROS node to convert a Twist message to the speed and steering messages needed by the model car.
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Simple node to implement the visual GPS using visual landmarks.
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Simple node to calibrate the HSV filter parameters on-line
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Simple node to detect blobs in images using the HSV color space
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Joan Solà Ortega / practica-slam-iri-eurecat
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseGraph-SLAM pel master de robotica
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"Trick or treat" based on the performance and emotion of the user.
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Determining the difficulty level of tic-tac-toe and physical exercise.
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