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Proposal for a basic structure for IRI behavior tree clients.
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mobile_robotics / GAUSS_project / mqtt_bridge
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Module to control a chain of servos through sequence of movements and the ROS interface control_msgs_PointHeadAction
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ROS node to detect positive and negative obstacles using multi-beam LIDAR data.
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IRI algorithm to control a kinematic chain with control_msgs/PointHeadAction
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Subscribes to imu messages and publishes them fixing frame and covariances
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Inter-frame moving average filter in order to average several pointcloud frames.
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Package for detecting holes based on the number of points in each detection area.
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Package designed to calculate the normal vector of each point from a filtered pointcloud
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The RosAria node provides a ROS interface for most Adept MobileRobots, MobileRobots Inc., and ActivMedia mobile robot bases
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Pep Martí Saumell / Crocoddyl
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Filters Twist messages using LaserScan message information, not allowing to run into obstacles.
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Simple local planner for an ackermann platform architecture.
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filters the sensor point cloud with angle pairs specification
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Navigation module for the Ana robot as well as the associated client example.
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Publishes a tf transform which can dynamically be changed using parameters (rqt_reconfigure).
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ROS wrapper for the MVN Xsens suit.
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ROS package with specific plug-in configurations and simulation files for the standard ROS joint trajectory plugin.
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ROS wrapper of the firewire_camera driver.
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ROS wrapper of firewire_camera driver, for the Bumblebee2 stereo firewire camera