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Module to control a chain of servos through sequence of movements and the ROS interface control_msgs_PointHeadAction
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IRI algorithm to control a kinematic chain with control_msgs/PointHeadAction
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Adaptive Social Planner using a Side-by-side to accompany an Individual Person (ASPSI)
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Laser and robot's localization (etc) for the iterative simulation of One person and group accompaniment.
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Laser and robot's localization (etc) for the iterative simulation of akp-local-planner-approaching using ESFM and Splines.
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Iterative simulation for the iri_akp_local_planner_approaching node.
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Iterative simulator for the node iri_robot_aspsi.
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Iterative simulator for the node iri_atr_akp_local_planner_companion.
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It is the state machine of the accompaniment for the group accompaniment, node: iri_atr_akp_local_planner_companion.
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It is the state machine of the accompaniment for the one-person accompaniment, node: iri_robot_aspsi.
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ROS package to compute the model_car odometry from the encoder and control topics data.
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Subscribes to an image and publishes the inverted-color image.
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ROS node to get a region of interest from the input image.
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Simple node to calibrate the HSV filter parameters on-line
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Project forked from the original repository to solve some problems with the Delock camera in the ADC model car robot.
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ROS wrapper over model_car battery C++ driver
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ROS wrapper over model_car egomotion C++ driver
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ROS wrapper over model_car ultrasounds C++ driver
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ROS package to generate the control signals expected by the model_car drivers.