Explore projects
Low level driver for the BNO055 IMU unit from Bosch
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Firmware for the IR sensor board for the feet of both the Bioloid and Darwin robots
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Adaptive Social Planner using a Side-by-side to accompany an Individual Person (ASPSI)
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Laser and robot's localization (etc) for the iterative simulation of One person and group accompaniment.
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Laser and robot's localization (etc) for the iterative simulation of akp-local-planner-approaching using ESFM and Splines.
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Iterative simulation for the iri_akp_local_planner_approaching node.
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Iterative simulator for the node iri_robot_aspsi.
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Iterative simulator for the node iri_atr_akp_local_planner_companion.
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It is the state machine of the accompaniment for the group accompaniment, node: iri_atr_akp_local_planner_companion.
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It is the state machine of the accompaniment for the one-person accompaniment, node: iri_robot_aspsi.
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Module to control a chain of servos through sequence of movements and the ROS interface control_msgs_PointHeadAction
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Main ROS node for the CNN workshop
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C++ Application to localize and navigate the Darwin robot using QR codes.
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Simple local planner for an ackermann platform architecture.
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Simple application to create a new data set with a subset of classes.
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IRI Threads, mutex, events, exceptions, logs and time libraries
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mobile_robotics / wolf_projects / wolf_ros / wolf_ros_imu
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Haptic guides as user interface for telemanipulation systems.
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Library to parse a OpenDrive road file format to generate a launch file to spawn signals and objects on gazebo.
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Planner interface for the IMAGINE project, with automatic grounding of operators.