Explore projects
Set of launch files to run and configure the RP Lidar laser driver
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Drivers for the model car platform
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labrobotica / ros / navigation / 3d_navigation / velodyne_simulator
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseModification of the original velodyne plugin to publish the pointcloud ordered (width and height)
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Navigation maps package, with 2D map images normally generated with Gmapping and used by map_server package.
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Simulation worlds and meshes for Gazebo simulator
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Generic ROS navigation related launch and configuration files
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Simple ROS node that publishes the robot position in the Gazebo reference frame
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ROS package with specific plug-in configurations and simulation files for the standard ROS joint trajectory plugin.
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Gazebo plugin for dynamixel based robots.
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Documentation for the 3 DOF arm used for the TV3 project.
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Set of simple launch files for the Ana robot
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ROS package with sensor specific plug-in configurations and simulation files for the Velodyne lidar plug-in of the velodyne_gazebo_plugins package.
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Launch and configuration files for several teleoperation packages
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Set of configuration and launch files to use the ROS navigation stack with the Ana robot.
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Publishes a tf transform which can dynamically be changed using parameters (rqt_reconfigure).
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